Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Part 6 -- Setup Jenkins and gerrit: Adding your first job

We are ready to add our first job to Jenkins (Will not be practically that rich, though).

  1. Go to jenkins --> New Item

  2. Add build step --> Execute Shell

  3. Click Save Button.
  4. Click "Build Now".

  5. You will see a new run of Job under Build History

  6. Click the new build and go to console output

Schedule Your Job:
Jenkins can run your job on-demand or at a specific time. Above section shows example of on-demand run. You can also run your job periodically. To do so
  1. Go to your job "smoke_tests" and then click "configure".
  2. Under "Build Trigger". Click "Build Periodically"

  3. Enter regex in "Schedule" textbox.  Click help icon in front of the box to know more about it.
    * * * * * will run it every minute.
Sounds good :).

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